Deutsch Intern
Earth Observation Research Cluster

Dr. Thilo Wehrmann

Employment at the department:

12/2001 - 12/2005

Research projects at the departement:

Dissertation in the CORINE-project: "Automatisierte Klassifikation von Bodenbedeckungs- und Landnutzungsklassen in multispektralen Satellitendaten (Landsat 7 ETM+)"

Publications at the departement

(list no longer maintained)

  • WEHRMANN, T. (2004): Development and evaluation of methods for automated land use / land cover classification. In: Proceedings Workshop CORINE Land Cover 2000 Workshop, 20-21 january 2004, Berlin
  • WEHRMANN, T., GLASER, R., DECH, S. (2004): An automated object-based classification approach for updating CORINE LandCover data. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing Europe, 13-16 September, Masplomas.