
- Subject: Biophysical parameters, time series, data fusion
- Study site: DEMMIN
- Financing: Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy
- Contact: Thorsten Dahms
The major aim of the Techs4TimeS project is the development of generic pre-processing and analyzing methods in remote sensing of agricultural areas including grassland.
First, Techs4TimeS focuses on the generation of time series with extreme high geometric and temporal resolution. Aiming at a high performance, existing methods for data synthesis and data fusion are implemented, further developed, and optimized. The project includes sensor data from RapidEye, Landsat and MODIS. During the project Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data will complete the data assemble.
Second, Techs4TimeS addresses the assessment and demonstration of the value added by the new high-resolution time series to agricultural applications. Focus is set on the derivation of high resolution multi-frequent maps of biophysical parameters (leaf area index, fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation). Systematic comparisons of different methods (empirical, radiative transfer modeling) and data sets are envisaged for assessing the improvements resulting from using the new time series. The demonstration is realized by the integration of the results into a service application for the estimation of yield potentials.
Derivation and validation of the biophysical parameters LAI and FPAR and the yield modelling takes place on agricultural plots surrounding the DLR study site DEMMIN and on the TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatory (TERENO) area in in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The methods will be also tested on grassland (pasture) in South Germany.
Project lead is at the Junior Professorship of Geographical Remote Sensing in at the University of Würzburg. The Department for Embedded Systems and Applied Informatics of the University of Bochum is an associated partner. Subcontractors are the company green spin UG and the national ground segment Neustrelitz of the German aerospace center (DLR).
Lex, S., Asam, S., Löw, F. & Conrad, C. (2015): Comparison of two Statistical Methods for the Derivation of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation for Cotton. - Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation (1): 55–67.
Dahms, T., Seissiger, S., Borg, E., Vajen, H., Fichtelmann, B., Conrad, C., (2016): Important variables modelling biophysical parameters on winter wheat. AK Fernerkundung, Halle, Deutschland
Dahms, T., Seissiger, S., Borg, E., Conrad, C., (2016): Modelling biophysical parameters of maize using Landsat 8 time series. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Konferenz 12. - 19.07.2016, Prag
Dahms, T., Lex, S., Zellner, P., Fritsch, S., Schmidt, M., Conrad, C. (2015): Techs4TimeS – innovative techniques for the generation and evaluation of Sentinel time series. DLR-Sentinel Workshop - Nutzung der Sentinels und nationalen Erdbeobachtungs-Missionen. 21. – 22.01.2015, Bonn