Dr. Hooman Latifi

+98 (0)21 88877070-3 (Ext. 312)
Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
K. N. Toosi University of Technology
No. 1346, Valiasr Str., Mirdamad crossing
19967-15433 Tehran- Iran
since 06/2012
Research associate in the Dept. of Remote Sensing, University of Wuerzburg
10/2011 – 11/2011
Research stay at Forest measurements and modeling laboratory, Dept. of Forestry, Michigan State University, USA.
10/2008 – 11/2011
Doctoral studies (Dr. rer. nat) at der Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg, funded by scholarship from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch)
10/2003 – 06/2005
M.Sc studies at the Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Mazandaran (Iran) (Title of M.Sc thesis: Evaluating Landsat ETM+ data for forest-ecotone-rangeland mapping in the timberline of northern forests of Iran )
10/1999 – 06/2003
B.Sc studies at the Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan (Iran)
Remote sensing-assisted monitoring of bark beetle-induced tree mortality. In: Comprehensive monitoring of stand dynamics in Bialowieza forest supported with remote sensing. (2016):
LiDAR-gestützte Erfassung von einzelbaum- und bestandsbasierter Waldentwicklung nach natürlichen Störungsprozessen. In: FowiTa - Forstwirtschaftliche Tagungpage, 123.. (2016):
Crown density of over- and understory in mixed forest stands as explained by airborne LiDAR metrics. In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. (2015):
Does a post-stratification of ground units improve the forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data?. In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. (2015):
Dead stands from the space: multi-date imagery to map bark beetle binfestations. In: Proceedings of ForestSATpages, 4-7.. (2014):
A naive Bayes model to describe natural forest ground vegetation by waveform LiDAR metrics. In: Proceedings of GfÖ – Annual Meeting. (2014):
From 3D point cloud to the stand: Experiences on small-scale inventory of forest structure by airborne remote sensing. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop 3D Vegetation Mapping using Advanced Remote Sensing. (2014):
Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In: Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.. (2013):
Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In: Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.. (2013):
Generalized spatial models of forest structure using airborne multispectral and laser scanner data. In: Proceedings of ISPRS Workshop: High resolution earth imaging for geospatial information,International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. (2011):
Using optical data and small footprint LiDAR for plot-level estimation of forest biomass in a central European landscape. In: Nternational Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) world congress, 23-27 August 2010, Seoul- Südkorea (Oral presentation). Abstracts in: International Forestry Reviews 12(5): 333. (2010):
Die Anwendung der optischen und LiDAR Merkmale für nicht-parametrische Modellierung der Waldstrukturattribute: Die Bedeutung eines geeigneten Variablenauswahlverfahrens. In: Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2010: "Forstwissenschaften: Grundlage nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung". 22.-24. September 2010. Georg-August Universität Göttingen. (2010):
Optical/LiDAR feature search for nonparametric prediction of stratified forest attributes using an improved genetic procedure. In: International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems (Silvilaser) 2010, 4.-17. September 2010, Freiburg. (2010):
On the necessity and application of building a GIS-based data bank for Environmental Impact Assessments (case study: Lorestan and Ilam provinces). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Congress on Advances in Agriculture and Natural Resources Research. University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj-Iran. (2008):
Investigating Landsat ETM+ Data Potential for Forest Type Mapping in Southern Zagros- Iran. In: Proceedings of National Geomatics Conference. (2006):
Evaluating ETM+ Data to Produce Forest-Shrub land-Range maps in Neka- Zalemroud region, Northern Iran.. In: 2005 International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS), 12-14. Oktober 2005 Jeju-Südkorea. (2005):
Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in Agroforestry Systems over Three Climatic Regions in West Africa Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, ALOS, and GEDI Data. In: Sensors, 23 (349), 18.. (2022):
A 15-year spatio-temporal analysis of plant β-diversity using Landsat time series derived Rao’s Q index. In: Ecological Indicators, 121, 107105.. (2021):
Mapping fractional woody cover in an extensive semi-arid woodland area at different spatial grains with Sentinel-2 and very high-resolution data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 105, 102621.. (2021):
Influence of plot and sample sizes on aboveground biomass estimations in plantation forests using very high resolution stereo satellite imagery. In: Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research.. (2020):
Effect of Altitude Gradient on Quantitative Characteristics of Forest Stands (Case Study: District-3 of Sangdeh Forests).. In: Journal of Wood and Forest Science Technology, 27 (1). (2020):
A nondestructive, remote sensing-based estimation of the economic value of aboveground temperate forest biomass (case study: Hyrcanian forests, Nowshahr-iran). In: Journal of Sustainable Forestry. (2020):
Global Airborne Laser Scanning Data Providers Database ({GlobALS}){\textemdash}A New Tool for Monitoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (11), 1877.. (2020):
Fractional Cover Mapping of Invasive Plant Species by Combining Very High-Resolution Stereo and Multi-Sensor Multispectral Imageries. In: Forests, 10 (7), 540.. (2019):
Multi-Scale Remote Sensing-Assisted Forest Inventory: A Glimpse of the State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (11), 1260.. (2019):
Forest beta-diversity analysis by remote sensing: How scale and sensors affect the Rao’s Q index. In: Ecological Indicators, 106, 105520.. (2019):
Improving Estimation Accuracy of Growing Stock by Multi-Frequency {SAR} and Multi-Spectral Data over Iran’s Heterogeneously-Structured Broadleaf Hyrcanian Forests. In: Forests, 10 (8), 641.. (2019):
Current Trends in Forest Ecological Applications of Three-Dimensional Remote Sensing: Transition from Experimental to Operational Solutions?. In: Forests, 10 (10), 891.. (2019):
Estimating biomass and carbon sequestration of plantations around industrial areas using very high resolution stereo satellite imagery. In: {iForest} - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 12 (6), 533-41.. (2019):
Classification of quantitative attributes of Zagros forest using Landsat 8-OLI and Random Forest algorithm (Case study: protected area of Manesht forests).. In: Journal of Forest Research and Development, 4 (4), 415-34.. (2019):
Integrating LiDAR and high-resolution imagery for object-based mapping of forest habitats in a heterogenuous temperate forest landscape.. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. (2018):
Forest structure following natural disturbances and early succession provides habitat for two avian flagship species, capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia). In: Biological Conservation, 226, 81-91.. (2018):
Using synthetic data to evaluate the benefits of large field plots for forest biomass estimation with LiDAR. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 213, 115-28.. (2018):
Synthetic RapidEye data used for the detection of area-based spruce tree mortality induced by bark beetles. In: GIScience & Remote Sensing, 55 (6), 839-59.. (2018):
Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bird assemblages are oppositely associated to productivity and heterogeneity in temperate forests. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 145-56.. (2018):
Synthetic RapiidEye data used for the detection of area-based spruce tree mortality induced by bark beetles.. In: GIScience and Remote Sensing. (2018):
Application of optical unmanned aerial vehicle-based imagery for the inventory of natural regeneration and standing deadwood in post-disturbed spruce forests.. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. (2018):
Canopy foliar nitrogen retrieved from airborne hyperspectral imagery by correcting for canopy structure effects. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 54, 84-94.. (2017):
Individual-tree- and stand-based development following natural disturbance in a heterogeneously structured forest: A LiDAR-based approach. In: Ecological Informatics, 38, 12-25.. (2017):
Investigation on the feasibility of mapping of oak forest dieback severity using Worldview-2 satellite data (Case study: Ilam forests). In: Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 25 (3), 452-62.. (2017):
Seasonal-based analysis of vegetation response to environmental variables in the mountainous forests of Western Himalaya using Landsat 8 data. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 (15), 4418-42.. (2017):
Multi-scale assessment of invasive plant species diversity using Pléiades 1A, RapidEye and Landsat-8 data. In: Geocarto International, 1-18.. (2017):
Multi-model estimation of understorey shrub, herb and moss cover in temperate forest stands by laser scanner data. In: Forestry. (2017):
Estimating stand density, biomass and tree species from very high resolution stereo-imagery {\textendash} towards an all-in-one sensor for forestry applications?. In: Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 1-19.. (2017):
Impact of Slope, Aspect, and Habitat-Type on LiDAR-Derived Digital Terrain Models in a Near Natural, Heterogeneous Temperate Forest. In: PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. (2017):
Editorial for the Special Issue "Remote Sensing-assisted forest inventory". In: Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 85 (4), 211-12.. (2017):
Phenology Analysis of Forest Vegetation to Environmental Variables during pre-and Post-Monsoon Seasons in Western Himalayan Region of India. In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., {XLI}-B2, 15-19.. (2016):
Review of studies on tree species classification from remotely sensed data. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 186, 64-87.. (2016):
Estimating over- and understorey canopy density of temperate mixed stands by airborne LiDAR data. In: Forestry, 89 (1), 69-81.. (2016):
Erste Waldinventur auf Basis von Lidardaten und digitalen Luftbildern im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald. In: Forstliche Forschungsberichte München, 2015 (214), 101-3.. (2015):
Stratified aboveground forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 38, 229-41.. (2015):
Forest inventories by LiDAR data: A comparison of single tree segmentation and metric-based methods for inventories of a heterogeneous temperate forest. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 162-74.. (2015):
Importance of sample size, data type and prediction method for remote sensing-based estimations of aboveground forest biomass. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 102-14.. (2014):
Canopy cover estimation across semi-Mediterranean woodlands: application of high-resolution earth observation data. In: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8 (1), 083524.. (2014):
Role of African protected areas in maintaining connectivity for large mammals. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369 (1643). (2014):
Object-based extraction of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) infestations using multi-date Landsat and SPOT satellite imagery. In: Progress in Physical Geography, 1–31.. (2014):
Spatial characterization of bark beetle infestations by a multi-date synergy of SPOT and Landsat imagery. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186, 441-56.. (2014):
Assessing the potential of hyperspectral imagery to map bark beetle-induced tree mortality. In: Remote Sensing of the Environment, 140, 533-48.. (2014):
Forest structure modeling with combined airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR data. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 121, 10-25.. (2012):
Modelling stratified forest attributes using Optical/LiDAR features in a central European landscape. In: International Journal of Digital Earth, 5(2), 106-32.. (2012):
Evaluation of most similar neighbour and random forest methods for imputing forest inventory variables using data from target and auxiliary stands. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (21), 6668-94.. (2012):
An angular vegetation index for imaging spectroscopy data. Preliminary results on forest damage detection in the Bavarian National Park, Germany. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 19, 308-21.. (2012):
Non-parametric prediction and mapping of standing timber volume and biomass in a temperate forest: application of multiple optical/LiDAR-derived predictors. In: Forestry, 83 (4), 395-407.. (2010):
Remote sensing-supported vegetation parameters for regional climate models: a brief review. In: IForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, (4), 98-101.. (2010):
The recreational valuation of a natural forest park using travel cost method in Iran. In: IForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, (3), 85-92.. (2009):
Determining the best form factor formula for Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations at the age of 18, in Guilan-northern Iran. In: Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6 (1), 19-24.. (2008):
An Evaluation of ETM+ Data Capability to Provide "Forest- Shrubland- Range" Map. A Case Study of Neka-Zalemroud, Mazandaran- Iran). In: Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 11(2), 439-47.. (2007):
Evaluating Landsat ETM+ Data Capability to Produce Forest Cover type Maps in the Timberline of Northern Forests of Iran. In: Taiwan Journal of Forest Science, 21(3), 363-75.. (2006):
Forest type mapping using Landsat ETM+ data in southern Zagros. In: Naghsheh Bardari (Surveying), 83, 31-35.. (2006):
An Introduction to Multi Sensor Data Fusion Techniques and the Application in Satellite Image Analysis.. In: Jangal \& Martaa (Forests and Rangelands), 68\& 69, 26-31.. (2005):