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Institute of Geography and Geology

Study rules

The subject-specific provisions (FSB) specify the course of studies as well as the prerequisite for admission to the assessments and the assessment standards. The FSB include the list of modules (SFB) as an annex. They regulate:

  • Qualification requirements for the respective degree programme
  • Listing of modules to be taken (SFB)
  • Requirements and methods of assessment
  • Number of study semesters after which the university degree can generally be obtained (standard length of programme) or has to be obtained (maximum length of programme) and the required coursework
  • Determination of the overall grade
  • Awarded academic degree after successful completion

The FSB of all degree programmes in each available examination regulation are provided on the Pages of the Examination Office (shortcuts, for example 2015-19, 2010-36).

All documents (ASPO/LASPO, FSB, SFB, and Module Catalogues) are additionally linked on the pages of Geography:

The list of modules (SFB) of a degree programme is the annex to the FSB. The SFB includes:

  • Listing of modules and module components that have to be taken in the individual fields or sub-fields of a degree programme
  • Requirements and methods of assessment

The list of modules is the most important and central document for students and prospective students.

The SFBs of all degree programmes in each available examination regulation are provided on the Pages of the Examination Office as annexes to the FSBs (shortcuts, for example 2015-19, 2010-36) as well as individual files.

All documents (ASPO/LASPO, FSB, SFB, and Module Catalogues) are additionally linked on the pages of Geography:

The study plan (SVP) provides guidance for a time-coordinated course of study. It presents a specific proposal of how to be able to complete the studies within standard length. Information of the SVP does not supersede information of the SFB. More particularly, the SVP does not contain possible options for an alternative course of studies and only sparse information about the structure of the degree programme and individual assessments.

The study plans are linked on the pages of Geography. Additional documents (ASPO/LASPO, FSB, SFB, and Module Catalogues) are also available for download:

Pool of the general transferable skills

In the bachelor’s degree programmes in Geography with 180 ECTS and 120 ECTS major, there are 20 ECTS scheduled in the field of transferable skills, in the 85-ECTS major in Geography it is 10 ECTS.

15 ECTS thereof account for the subject-specific skills, 5 ECTS in the 85 ECTS major degree programme. The following modules contain those: 09-SQL1-1 (Presenting and Moderating, 5 ECTS) and ‘occupational work placements’ (09-PRAK-1 and 09-PRAK-2, with 5 ECTS each) in the 180 ECTS and 120 ECTS degree programmes. Then there are the ‘general transferable skills’, which include all courses or module components that are listed in the pool of the general transferable skills as well as the institute-internal IT training course (09-EDV-1, ‘Einführung in die EDV für Studierende der Geographie’, 4 ECTS). Further explanation as follows.

‘Is it mandatory to take the IT training course?’ The clear answer: No. There are many other possibilities to complete the five ECTS out of the general pool of transferable skills. This pool can be found in the class schedule of the University of Würzburg in the tab ‘Lehrveranstaltungen für Hörer aller Fakultäten’ and then ‘Veranstaltungen des Pools für Schlüsselqualifikationen’. In principle, it is possible to take the IT training course and/or courses of the general pool of transferable skills. Take a look for yourself: the range of courses varies widely. Since you study Geography yourself, only the module components of Geography listed in the pool are excluded for you, but otherwise, there are no restrictions whatsoever. This also means that other courses or module components that are not listed in the general pool cannot be chosen for the field of the transferable skills.

Figure 1: Screenshot – Pool of the general transferable skills

Having successfully completed the institute-internal IT training course (09-EDV-1, 4 ECTS), you are lacking at least 1 ECTS-credit until having passed the field of the general transferable skills. Search for module components with 1 or 2 ECTS in the pool of the general transferable skills in case you do not want to complete more than the necessary ECTS-credits., These can, for example, be found at the University Library with the basic course about information competence for Geography students (‘Informationskompetenz für Studierende der Geographie’, 2 ECTS).

You can also visit language courses; extensive offerings can be found in the tab ‘Fremdsprachen’, where they are listed aside from the courses of the Language Centre. Please note, especially regarding language courses, that possibly several module components have to be completed until the module is passed. Only passed modules are transferred to your study account with their ECTS-credits.

Figure 2: Screenshot –  Language Centre (ZfS)

It should also be noted that it is no problem to have gathered more ECTS-credits than you need to complete your bachelor’s degree at the end of your degree programme. It benefits your personal growth of knowledge, and not the university.