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Chair of Economic Geography

New publications of the working group Economic Geography


Publications on critical urban research, digital retail platforms and community food initiatives.

Magazines and books background

There are new publications in the Economic Geography working group: Tatiana López, together with colleagues from the AK Labor Geography, argues in a new contribution to the debate why work and workers should play a more central role in critical urban research. Together with colleagues, Sina Hardaker and Paulina Doll analyze to what extent cooperation between digital retail platforms and urban actors can represent a sustainable model for German local retail trade. Click here  for the article. In a recent book contribution, Marit Rosol uses Community Food Initiatives to investigate why social and ecological concerns need to be tackled together and how this can be done.

Article at a glance:

Ecker, Yannick/ López, Tatiana/ Schlitz, Nicolas (2023): Wichtiger denn je! Ein Plädoyer für eine intensivere Auseinandersetzung mit Arbeit in der kritischen Stadtforschung. [More important than ever! A plea for a more intensive examination of work in critical urban research.]. In: Sub/Urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung 11 (1/2): 265-281. DOI:

Hardaker, S., Appel, A., Doll, P., Ströbel, K. (2023) Digitale Einzelhandelsplattformen und städtische Akteur*innen – Kooperation als zukunftsfähiges Modell? [Digital retail platforms and urban actors - cooperation as a sustainable model?] Standort.

Rosol, Marit (2023): Good food for all? Navigating tensions between environmental and social justice concerns in urban community food initiatives. In: Morrow, Oona / Veen, Esther / Wahlen, Stefan (Eds.): Community Food Initatives. A critical reparative approach. London: Routledge, 77–97.