We warmly welcome Katharina Mößlein-Nechwatal, who is supporting the team of the Chair of Geomorphology in the office since 1 September.
The Chair of Geomorphology has recently set up an experimental sandbox. The sandbox enables the simulation of small river courses and thus the practical study of fluvial processes and landforms.
moreProf. Dr. Julia Meister receives the 'Science Award for Physical Geography 2023' of the Prof. Dr. Frithjof Voss Foundation.
morePD Dr. Georg Stauch hat den Ruf auf die W3-Professur „Geomorphologie“ an der JMU Würzburg angenommen. Der Physische Geograph forschte bislang am Lehrstuhl für Physische Geographie und Geoökologie der RWTH Aachen und wird zum 1. April 2024 an die Universität Würzburg wechseln.
moreOrganization of the joint annual meeting of the German working groups of Geoarchaeology & Palaeopedology
06/01/2023, 7:00 PM - 06/04/2023, 4:00 PMLocation: | Neubaukirche |
Organizer: | AK Geoarchäologie und AG Paläopedologie |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Winkler receives the 'Best Reviewer Award 2022' from the international journal "Geomorphology".
moreProf. Dr. Julia Meister receives the 'PostDoc Award 2022' of the German Society for Geomorphology.