Deutsch Intern
Chair of Economic Geography



Tel.: +49 931 31-83152

Institute of Geography and Geology
Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg

Campus Hubland Süd
Geography Building
Room 129

Appointments for consultation hours during the lecture-free period by arrangement.
Appointments for the consultation hours in the summer semester 2024 can be made via zoom or in person: Mondays 11-12 a.m. Please register in advance by email.
Appointments for the supervision of bachelor's, master's and admission theses are also possible at other times after consultation.

  • Women's Representative of the Philosophical Faculty
  • Member of the Advisory Board on Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie [Location - Journal for Applied Geography]
  • Editorial team Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie [Location - Journal for Applied Geography]
  • (Co-)speaker of the VGDH-AK Geographical Trade Research

  • Economic Geography
  • (Retail) trade (esp. digitalization, e-commerce and internationalization of retail as well as mobility transition and retail)
  • Platform economy (focus: spatial impact on retail and GPN/GVC)
  • Special economic zones / digital trade zones
  • Regional: China, Malaysia, Germany, Great Britain, Myanmar

The new geography of e-commerce: Intersecting Paths of Interplaces and Intermediaries in the Era of Digital Free Trade Zones

Head: Dr. Sina Hardaker

Duration: 2024
Funding: Bavarian Research Alliance for the initiation of international research cooperation in Malaysia to research Digital Free Trade Zones [Bayerische Forschungsallianz zur Anbahnung einer internationalen Forschungskooperation in Malaysia zur Erforschung Digitaler Freihandelszonen]

Interplaces and Intermediaries: Of Supposed Enclaves and Digital Platforms. (Working title habilitation project)

Head: Dr. Sina Hardaker

Duration: 2020 - 2024
(Partial) funding: Research Fund of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Würzburg

  • "City Laboratories for Germany: Vacancies and Settlement" - City of Würzburg (student project seminar, expected duration: 2021 - 2022, together with Prof. Dr. Ralf Klein)
  • eBay deine Stadt Würzburg [ebay your citiy of Würzburg] - scientific support (expected duration: 2021 - 2022, together with Dr. Alexandra Appel) (Click here for the german report)
  • Evaluation of suitable fields of action in the context of a possible inclusion of the community of Priesendorf in the ILE LebensregionPlus (project partner: community of Priesendorf, duration: 2021, project management)
  • "Interplaces and intermediaries: Of supposed enclaves and digital platforms" (start-up funding for habilitation by the Research Fund of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Würzburg, duration: 2020)
  • Covid-19 and retail in Würzburg (student project seminar, duration: 2020 - 2021, together with Dr. Alexandra Appel)
  • Tourism strengths and weaknesses analysis of the Allianz region MainDreieck in cooperation with Allianz MainDreieck (project partner: Allianz MainDreieck, duration: 2018 - 2019)
  • Expert opinion on the possible effects of the planned bypass road on retail in the municipality of Mömlingen (project partner: Municipality of Mömlingen, duration: 2016 - 2017)


since 05/2019
Habilitandin at the Chair of Economic Geography

April 2016 – Present
Postdoctoral Researcher & Lecturer, Institute of Geography and Geology, Department of Economic Geography, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany.

May 2015 - March 2016
Regional Manager, Aldi Süd, Langenselbold

April 2014 - April 2015
Research Associate, Institute of Geography and Geology, Department of Economic Geography, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany.

July 2012 - January 2014
Regional Manager, Aldi Süd, Langenselbold

September 2011 - June 2012
Overland trip 50.000 km; From Australia to Germany for charity

August 2009 - September 2011
Product- and Sales Manager (Southeast Asia and India), Neue Wege Reisen

September 2007 - August 2008
Research Associate, Niederrhein University of Applied Science



Ph.D, Economic Geography (Dr. - magna cum laude) at the Department of Economic Geography at the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg (02/2014 – 12/2015)
Dissertation: „Development and Status Quo of the Internationalization of Grocery Retailing in China – Competition and Format Development“ (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Hahn)

Master (M.A. - with distinction)  at the Liverpool John Moores University (UK): Tourism and Hospitality Management Development (09/2010 – 09/2011)
Thesis: "In Search of Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility-Towards a Model for the Tour Operator Industry" (90%)   

Bachelor (B.Sc. - with distinction) at the Niederrhein University of Applied Science: Tourismus, Catering & Hospitality Services (09/2006 – 06/2009)
Thesis: "Social Responsibility in Entwicklungsländern" (1,0)


REPENNING, A. and HARDAKER, S. (accepted / forthcoming) The Platform Fix: Analyzing Mechanisms and Contradictions of How Digital Platforms Attempt to Tackle Pending Urban-Economic Challenges. Journal of Economic Geography.

HARDAKER, S., APPEL, A., DOLL, P., STRÖBEL, K. (2023) Digitale Einzelhandelsplattformen und städtische Akteur*innen – Kooperation als zukunftsfähiges Modell? [Digital retail platforms and urban actors - cooperation as a sustainable model?] Standort.

HARDAKER, S., APPEL, A. and RAUCH, S. (2022): Reconsidering retailers’ resilience and the city: A mixed method case study. Cities 128: 103796.

HARDAKER, S. (2022): More than infrastructure providers - digital platforms' role and power in retail digitalization initiatives in Germany. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie.

HARDAKER, S. (2021): Platform Economy: (dis-) embedding processes in urban spaces? In: Urban Transformations. 3(12). pdf

APPEL, A. and HARDAKER, S. (2021): Einzelhandel als Katalysator für nachhaltige urbane Radlogistik? – WüLivery, ein Fallbeispiel aus Würzburg. [Retail as a catalyst for sustainable urban bike logistics? – WüLivery, a case study from Wuerzburg]. In: Standort.

ZHANG, L. and HARDAKER, S. (2021): Divestment of European grocery retailers from China. In: Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography.

HARDAKER, S. and ZHANG, L. (2021): ‘Testing the water’ – prior-online market entry in China. In: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. pdf

APPEL, A.  and HARDAKER, S.  (2021):  Strategies in Times of Pandemic Crisis - Retailers and Regional Resilience in Würzburg, Germany. Sustainability 13(3643).

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Embedded enclaves? Initial implications of the development of special economic zones in Myanmar. In: European Journal of Development Research, 32:2, 404-430.;

HARDAKER, S. (2018): Retail Format Competition – The Case of Grocery Discount Stores and why they haven’t conquered the Chinese market (yet). In: Moravian Geographical Reports, 26:3, 220-227. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2018): Retail Revolution in China’ - Transformation Processes in the World’s Largest Grocery Retailing Market. In: Die Erde, 149:1, 14-24. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2018): The Emerging Retail Market in Myanmar – An Institutional Perspective of Foreign Retailers’ Market Entry Decisions. In: International Business Research, 11:1, 19-33.

HARDAKER, S. (2017): The changing role of international grocery retailers in China over time, 1978 - 2016. In: History of Retailing and Consumption, 3:1, 53-69.


Peer-Reviewed Book chapters

HARDAKER, S. (2024 - forthcoming): A critical perspective on the increasing power of digital platforms through the lens of conjunctural geographies. In Vale, M, Ferreira, D, Rodrigues, N (eds.) Geographies of the platform economy. Critical perspectives. Springer Economic Geography Series.

HARDAKER, S. (2019): The Role of Special Economic Zones in Myanmar's Industrialization Process. In: Winterberger G. und Tenberg E. (eds.): Current Myanmar Studies: Aung San Suu Kyi, Muslims in Arakan, and Economic Insecurity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, S. 103 - 124


Monographs, books, book chapters, articles in anthologies

HARDAKER, S. (2023): Unveiling the implications of digital platforms in platform-mediated overtourism: a call for comprehensive research. In: Hospers, G.-J. and Amrhein, S. (eds.) Coping with Overtourism in Europe. LIT Verlag.

DZIOMBA, M., SCHLESINGER, J., BULLINGER, D., APPEL, A., HARDAKER, S., HAUBRICHS, A., PETER, K., RIEPER, A., STADLER, I. (2022): DVAG-Zukunftswerkstatt: Innenstadtentwicklung im Spannungsfeld von Strukturwandel und Corona –  Perspektiven betroffener Akteursgruppen und beispielhafte Handlungsmöglichkeiten. [DVAG future workshop: Inner city development in the area of ​​tension between structural change and corona - perspectives of affected groups of actors and exemplary options for action].

HARDAKER, S. und DANNENBERG, P. (2023): China - Geographien einer Weltmacht. [China - Geographies of a World Power]. Springer. .DOI: 

HARDAKER, S. und DANNENBERG, P. (2023): Einleitung – Vielfältige Perspektiven auf ein ambivalentes Land. [Introduction – Diverse perspectives on an ambivalent country.]. In: Hardaker, S. und Dannenberg, P. (Hrsg.): China - Geographien einer Weltmacht. Springer. 1-8. DOI: 

HARDAKER, S. und ZHANG, L. (2023): Chinas Wandel zur Konsumgesellschaft. [China's transition to a consumer society.]. In: Hardaker, S. und Dannenberg, P. (Hrsg.): China - Geographien einer Weltmacht. Springer. 177-186. DOI: 

HARDAKER, S. (2023): Infrastrukturen im Wandel - Transport und Abfallmanagement in China. [Infrastructures in transition - transport and waste management in China.]. In: Hardaker, S. und Dannenberg, P. (Hrsg.): China - Geographien einer Weltmacht. Springer. 231-241. DOI: 

DANNENBERG, P. und HARDAKER, S. (2023): Sonderwirtschaftszonen - Wichtige Bausteine in Chinas wirtschaftlichem Aufstieg. [Special Economic Zones - Important Building Blocks in China's Economic Rise.]. In: Hardaker, S. und Dannenberg, P. (Hrsg.): China - Geographien einer Weltmacht. Springer. 213-215 in chapter Hassink, R. (2023): Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Wirtschaftspolitik unter Mao Zedong und Deng Xiaoping. [Economic development and economic policy under Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping]. DOI:

HARDAKER, S. und DANNENBERG, P. (2023): Partner, Wettbewerber, Rivale? Chinas Weg ins Zentrum der Weltwirtschaft. [Partner, competitor, rival? China's path to the heart of the world economy.]. In: Hardaker, S. und Dannenberg, P. (Hrsg.): China - Geographien einer Weltmacht. Springer. 217-229. DOI: 

APPEL, A. and HARAKER, S. (2022): Innenstädte, Einzelhandel und Corona in Deutschland. Geographische Handelsforschung. [Inner cities, retail and Corona in Germany. Geographical Trade Research.]. Band 31. pdf

APPEL, A. and HARDAKER, S. (2022): Innenstädte, Einzelhandel und Corona – Krise oder Chance? Geographische Handelsforschung. [City Centers, Retail and Corona – Crisis or Opportunity? Geographical Trade Research.]. In: APPEL, A. und HARDAKER, S. (Hrsg.): Innenstädte, Einzelhandel und Corona in Deutschland. Band 31: 1 - 12. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2022): Lokale Online-Marktplätze: Intermediäre im online-lokalen Raum. [Local online marketplaces: Intermediaries in the online local space.]. In: APPEL, A. und HARDAKER, S. (Hrsg.): Innenstädte, Einzelhandel und Corona in Deutschland. Geographische Handelsforschung. Band 31: 153 - 176. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Internationalisierung des Einzelhandels - Einführung und Theorie. [Internationalization of Retail - Introduction and Theory.]. In: Hahn, B. und C. Neiberger (Hrsg): Geographische Handelsforschung. Springer Spektrum: 217 - 228. 

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Transiträume und internationale Einkaufsverflechtungen. [Transit areas and international purchasing links.]. In: Hahn, B. und C. Neiberger (eds.): Geographische Handelsforschung. Springer Spektrum: 239 - 248. 

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Internationalisierung des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels. [Internationalization of the food retail trade.]. In: Hahn, B. und C. Neiberger (eds.): Geographische Handelsforschung. Springer Spektrum: 249 - 260. 

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Der Wandel der Discounter zum bedarfsgerechten Nahversorger. [The change from discounters to needs-based local suppliers.]. In: Hahn, B. und C. Neiberger (eds.): Geographische Handelsforschung. Springer Spektrum, S. 35. 

HARDAKER, S. (2019): The Role of Special Economic Zones in Myanmar's Industrialization Process. In: Winterberger G. und Tenberg E. (eds.): Current Myanmar Studies: Aung San Suu Kyi, Muslims in Arakan, and Economic Insecurity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, S. 103 - 124.

HARDAKER, S. (2015): Development and Outlook for Grocery Retailing Internationalization in China: Competition and Format Expansion within a Geographical Context. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. 



HARDAKER, S. (forthcoming): Rezension: Jinathan E. Hillman, 2022, Chinas Digitale Seidenstraße [China's Digital Silk Road], Plassen Verlag. In: Geographische Rundschau.

HARDAKER, S. (forthcoming): Rezension: Christian Geinitz, 2022, Chinas Griff nach dem Westen [China's Reach for the West], C H Beck. In: Geographische Rundschau.

HARDAKER, S. (2023): Rezension: Jinathan E. Hillman, 2022, Chinas Digitale Seidenstraße, Plassen Verlag. In: Geographische Rundschau.

HARDAKER, S. (2021): Rezension: Wolfgang Hirn, 2020, Shenzhen. Die Weltwirtschaft von morgen [Shenzhen. The world economy of tomorrow], Campus Verlag. In: Asien - The German Journal of Contemporary Asia. 158/159: 242-244.

HARDAKER, S. (2021): Rezension: Wolfgang Stierle, 2020, Über Leben in planetarischen Grenzen. Plädoyer für eine nachhaltige Entwicklungspolitik [About life in planetary boundaries. Plea for a sustainable development policy], oekom Verlag. In: Geographische Rundschau. 73(1-2): 62.

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Rezension: Barbara Darimont, 2020, Wirtschaftspolitik der Volksrepublik China [Economic Policy of the People's Republic of China], Springer Gabler. In: Asien - The German Journal of Contemporary Asia. 156/157: 204-205. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Rezension: Jürgen Breuste, 2019, Die Grüne Stadt. Stadtnatur als Ideal [The Green City. Urban nature as an ideal], Leistungsträger und Konzept für Stadtgestaltung, Springer Spektrum. In: Geographische Rundschau. Mai/5: 54.

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Rezension: Robert Musil, 2019, Immobiliengeographie: Märkte - Akteure - Politik [Real Estate Geography: Markets - Actors - Politics], Westermann Verlag. In: Geographische Rundschau. April/4: 54.

HARDAKER, S. (2019): Rezension: Rudolf G. Adam, 2019, Brexit. Eine Bilanz [Brexit. A balance sheet], Springer. In: Geographische Rundschau. November/11: 52.


Other publications

HARDAKER, S. (2024 - forthcoming): Der Hafen von Liverpool - eine bewegte Geschichte. [The port of Liverpool - an eventful history.]. Atlas zum 100jährigen Bestehen der Geographischen Gesellschaft Würzburgs.

HARDAKER, S. (2021): E-Commerce in China - Taobao-Dörfer als Instrument für ländliche Entwicklung. [E-Commerce in China - Taobao Villages as a Rural Development Tool.]. In: Geographische Rundschau. GR Plus 5, S. 44-49. 

HARDAKER, S. und RAUCH, S. (2020): Covid-19: Ungleichheiten in New York City. [Covid-19: Inequalities in New York City.] In: Geographische Rundschau. GR Plus 10, S. 40-45. 

HARDAKER, S. (2020): Die USA vor der Präsidentschaftswahl. [The USA before the presidential election.]. In: Geographische Rundschau. GR aktuell. Online, 10/2020. 

HARDAKER, S. (2019): Wirtschaftliche und urbane Transformation in Großbritannien – die Rolle von Unternehmenszonen. [Economic and urban transformation in Britain - the role of business zones.] In: Geographische Rundschau. GR Plus 10, S. 38-43. 

HARDAKER, S. (2019): Großbritannien vor dem Brexit. [Britain before Brexit.] In: Geographische Rundschau. GR aktuell. Online, 8/2019.

HARDAKER, S. (2018): Aldi in China – Markteintritt in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. [Aldi in China – market entry in times of digitization.] In: Geographische Handelsforschung, Nr. 43, Juli 2018, S. 13-17.  pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2018): Myanmars Einzelhandelslandschaft im Aufschwung? [Myanmar's retail landscape on the upswing?] 07.02.2018 - MyanmarMemo - Myanmar Institut (online). 

HARDAKER, S. (2017): Mögliche Auswirkungen einer Umgehungsstraße auf den innerörtlichen Einzelhandel – Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie. [Possible effects of a bypass on inner-city retail - results of a case study.] In: Geographische Handelsforschung, Nr. 42, Dezember 2017, S. 16-23. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2016): Emmas Enkel. Ein Nachruf. [Emma's grandson. An obituary.] In: Geographische Handelsforschung, Nr. 40, Dezember 2016, S. 4-5. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2016): Aldi, Lidl & Co.: Geht die Ära der Discounter wirklich zu Ende? [Aldi, Lidl & Co.: Is the era of discounters really coming to an end?] In: Geographische Handelsforschung, Nr. 39, Juli 2016, S. 9 - 13. pdf

HARDAKER, S. (2016): Carrefour, Metro, Walmart & Co - Die Liberalisierung und Internationalisierung des chinesischen Lebensmitteleinzelhandels. [Carrefour, Metro, Walmart & Co - The liberalization and internationalization of the Chinese food retail trade.] In: Geographische Handelsforschung, Nr. 39, Juli 2016, S. 14 - 23.  pdf

  • 27. April 2024 (planned): Tagung: AK Agri-Food Geographies meets AK Geographische Handelsforschung, Würzburg: „The Platform Fix: Eine kritische Perspektive darauf, wie digitale Plattformen stadtökonomische Herausforderungen des Einzelhandels bewältigen“ ["The Platform Fix: A critical perspective on how digital platforms address urban economic challenges of retail"] (Paper together with Dr. Alica Repenning)
  • 23. March 2024: Leipziger Buchmesse: Buchvorstellung "China - Geographien einer Weltmacht" [Book presentation "China - Geographies of a world power"] (together with Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg)
  • 23. March 2024: Konfuzius-Institut Leipzig: Buchvorstellung "China - Geographien einer Weltmacht" [Book presentation "China - Geographies of a world power"] (together with Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg) 
  • 15. März 2024. DVAG-Handelssymposium Einzelhandel & Mobilität - Emotionen, Erfahrungen, Empirie; Fachtagung in Frankfurt am Main: Moderation des Forschungs- sowie des Praxispanels [symposium in Frankfurt am Main: moderation of the research and practice panel].
  • 31. January 2024: Unibund Würzburg, Kitzingen: "Digital platforms, retail and the city - the spatial impact of Amazon, Google, eBay and co." [„Digitale Plattformen, Einzelhandel und Stadt – räumliche Auswirkungen von Amazon, Google, eBay und Co.“]
  • 23. January 2024: Unibund Würzburg, Estenfeld: "Digital platforms, retail and the city - the spatial impact of Amazon, Google, eBay and co." [„Digitale Plattformen, Einzelhandel und Stadt – räumliche Auswirkungen von Amazon, Google, eBay und Co.“]
  • 23 November 2023: Workshop-Tagung „Digitale Disruptionen“ (AK Digitale Geographien) [Workshop conference "Digital Disruptions" (AK Digital Geographies)], Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: The Platform Fix: A critical look at how digital platforms address upcoming urban-economic challenges (together with Dr Alica Repenning)
  • 22. September 2023: DKG (Deutscher Kongress für Geographie) [German Congress for Geography], Frankfurt a. M.: Plattformizing structural policy instruments? The case of Digital Free Trade Hubs.
  • 21. September 2023: DKG-Session Organizer: Geographische Handelsforschung im Austausch mit der Praxis [Geographical trade research in exchange with practice] (with Maike Dziomba DVAG e.V. and Jan Schlesinger
             Economic Development, City Frankfurt a. M.).
  • 21. September 2023: DKG-Session Organizer: Digitale Plattformen und die Reorganisation (globaler) Wertketten [Digital platforms and the reorganization of (global) value chains] (with Dr. Philip Verfürth and Dr. Tatiana Lopéz).
  • 28. June 2023: (Invited) presentation at the Universität zu Köln, Vorlesung zu Aktuelle Themen der geographischen Entwicklungsforschung: „Große Technologieunternehmen und ländliche Entwicklung - Das Beispiel der Taobao-Dörfer in China." ["Big Technology Companies and Rural Development - The Case of Taobao Villages in China.]
  • 27. June 2023: Conference Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor & Social Reproduction (Amsterdam/online): "The relationship between platforms and public institutions – reasons, processes and consequences."
  • 01. June 2023: (Invited) presentation at the Universität Passau; DFG Research Training Group 2720 "Digital Platform Ecosystems": "Framing struggles and mediating roles in platform urbanism - the example of platformization in retail"
  • 29. April 2023: 16. Rauischholzhausen Symposium on Economic Geography: "Plattformökonomie und Lokalität? Legitimierungsprozesse am Beispiel „eBay Deine Stadt". ["Platform economy and locality? Legitimation processes using the example of "eBay your city".]
  • 09. March 2023: 20. Bavarian school geographers day: „Digitale Plattformen, Einzelhandel und Stadt – räumliche Auswirkungen von Amazon, Google, eBay und Co.“ ["Digital platforms, retail and city - spatial effects of Amazon, Google, eBay and Co."]
  • 14. February 2023: Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research 2023 (Dortmund): "Einzelhandel als Katalysator für nachhaltige urbane Radlogistik? - WüLivery, ein Fallbeispiel aus Würzburg." ["Retail as a catalyst for sustainable urban bike logistics? - WüLivery, a case study from Würzburg."] (mit Alexandra Appel)
  • 10. February 2023: Annual meeting of AK Labour Geography 2023 (Berlin): "Canvassers for digital online platforms? A critical perspective on the division of labour in case of eBay and municipal actors." (mit Paulina Doll)
  • 26.-28. January 2023: Meeting New cultural geography 2023 (Halle): "Experimental field under the pretext of locality? The case study of 'eBay Deine Stadt'."
  • 13.-14. February 2023: Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research 2023 (Dortmund): "Einzelhandel als Katalysator für nachhaltige urbane Radlogistik? - WüLivery, ein Fallbeispiel aus Würzburg." ["Retail as a catalyst for sustainable urban bike logistics? - WüLivery, a case study from Würzburg."] (mit Alexandra Appel)
  • 9./10. February 2023: Annual meeting of AK Labour Geography 2023 (Berlin): "Canvassers for digital online platforms? A critical perspective on the division of labour in case of eBay and municipal actors." (mit Paulina Doll)
  • 10. November 2022: Workshop on Coping with Overtourism in Europe (Radbound University Nijmegen / Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences): "Linking digital platforms and overtourism: Contributing to the further shrinking of space?"
  • 24. June 2022: Annual Conference of the Scientific Working Group on Southeast Asia and East Asia German Geographical Society (DGfG): "E-commerce in China - Challenges / opportunities for grocery retailers and instrument for rural development?"
  • October 2021: II Digital Geographies Conference: critical perspectives on the platform economy (virtuell): “Legitimised Power Increase in Times of Covid-19: Digital Platforms’ Controversial Role in Digitization Initiatives.”
  • October 2021: Session of Würzburger Wirtschaftsbeirates: „Auswirkungen und Chancen der Covid-19 Pandemie auf den innerstädtischen Einzelhandel in Würzburg. Bericht aus einem Forschungsprojekt.“ ["Effects and opportunities of the Covid-19 pandemic on inner-city retail in Würzburg. Report from a research project.”] (mit Alexandra Appel)
  • October 2021: Event series "Brennpunkte" Volkshochschule Würzburg: „Coronomics oder Chance? Podiumsdiskussion zu den wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Corona in der Region.“ [“Coronomics or Chance? Panel discussion on the economic consequences of Corona in the region.”] Diskutantin.
  • October 2021: Moderation of the technical meeting at AK Geographische Handelsforschung (VGDH) im Rahmen der #GeoWoche 2021: "Einzelhandel in der Krise? – Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf den Einzelhandel.“ ["Retail in crisis? - Effects of the corona pandemic on retail."] (mit Alexandra Appel)
  • October 2021: DVAG Lunch discussion during the #Geowoche 2021: „Die Innenstädte nach Corona: Akteursperspektiven“. [The inner cities after Corona: perspectives of actors”].
  • July 2021: 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing: Building Resilience in Retail for the post COVID World - Marketing & Operations Perspectives (France, virtuell): “Building retailers' resilience in times of crisis: a multimethod case study in Würzburg, Germany.”
  • July 2021: 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing: Building Resilience in Retail for the post COVID World - Marketing & Operations Perspectives (France, virtuell): “The role of platforms in retail digitalization processes in pandemic crisis.”
  • July 2021: Gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Alexandra Appel. ARL-Congress 2021 (Germany, virtuell): Im Zeichen der Pandemie – Raumentwicklung zwischen Unsicherheit und Resilienz, Session: Finanzen, Wirtschaft und Mobilität: „Strategien in Zeiten einer Pandemiekrise – Einzelhändler und regionale Resilienz in Würzburg.“ ["Strategies in times of a pandemic crisis - retailers and regional resilience in Würzburg."]
  • June 2021: Regions in Recovery Global E-Festival (UK, virtuell), Session: Brexit Geographies of the United Kingdom: “Enterprise Zones in Times of Brexit: Narratives of (Dis-)Embeddedness and Resilience.”
  • June 2021: Gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Alexandra Appel. Webinar at IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt zu ‚Zukunft Innenstadt - Was bleibt nach Corona?‘ (Würzburg, virtuell): „Covid-19 und Einzelhandel in der Würzburger Innenstadt – Bericht aus einem laufenden Forschungsvorhaben.“ ["Covid-19 and retail in downtown Würzburg - report from an ongoing research project."]
  • June 2021: Gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Alexandra Appel. Regions in Recovery Global E-Festival (UK, virtuell), Session: Changes to the Form and Function of Cities and Regions in a Post-Covid World: “The Retailer and the City – Social Ties, Embeddedness and Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic.”
  • January 2021: (Invited) presentation at geographical colloquium at the Universität Aachen (Aachen, virtuell): "E-Commerce in China: Neue Markteintrittschancen am Beispiel von Aldi Süd." ["E-commerce in China: New market entry opportunities using the example of Aldi Süd."]
  • October 2020: Gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Alexandra Appel. Trade Committee Fall Meeting IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt: "Wie sieht der Einzelhandel zukünftig aus? – Thesen aus Sicht der Geographischen Handelsforschung." ["What will retail look like in the future? - Theses from the perspective of geographical retail research."].
  • October 2020: Applied Geography Conference (USA, virtuell): "'Grocery discount internationalization strategy and expansion revised."
  • October 2020: Applied Geography Conference (USA, virtuell, Session Organizer): "'Shifting retail landscapes – societal, economic and ecological implications."
  • April 2020: American Association of Geographers (Denver, USA, virtuell, Session Organizer): "Exploring Embeddedness in the Development of Special Economic Zones."
  • Februar 2019: Uppsala Workshop on Development Challenges in Myanmar (Uppsala, Schweden, virtuell): "Foreign Direct Investment and Special Economic Zones in Myanmar."
  • Juli 2018: Global Conference on Economic Geography (Köln, Deutschland): “The Development of Special Economic Zones in Myanmar.”
  • Juli 2018: Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (University of Surrey, England): "International Expansion of Discount Grocery Retailers Revised."
  • Mai 2017: Annual meeting of AK Geographische Handelsforschung (Würzburg, Deutschland): "Die sich wandelnde Rolle internationaler Lebensmitteleinzelhändler in China." ["The Changing Role of International Food Retailers in China."]
  • April 2017: American Association of Geographers (Boston, USA): "Development and Outlook for Grocery Retailing Internationalization in China."