Dipl.-Geogr. Christian Bauer

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
01/2015 - 04/2019
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
- Bauer, C., Löw, F., Klein, D., und Conrad, C. (2018) Detecting spatio-temporal patterns of land abandonment in the lower region of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers using earth observation data. In .
Sultanov, M., Conrad, C., Bauer, C., Thiel, M., und Ibrakhimov, M. (2018) Remote sensing of soil salinity levels in irrigated cotton production systems in the Aral Sea Basin. In .
Kenjabaev, S., Sultanov, M., und Bauer, C. (2017) Assessment of the land reclamation condition using environmental variables in Ellikkala district, Karakalpakistan, Tropentag 2017.
Bauer, C., Thiel, M., Löw, F., Klein, D., und Conrad, C. (2017) Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Land Abandonment in the Lower Region of Amu Darya River, Tropentag 2017.
Bauer, C., Löw, F., Klein, D., und Conrad, C. (2017) Raum-zeitliche Dynamik der agrarischen Landaufgabe in Bewässerungsgebieten am Amu-Darya, DKG 2017.
Löw, F., Bauer, C., Conrad, C., Lamers, J., Dukhovny, V., Stulina, G., Kenjabaev, S., Muratova, N., Ibrakhimov, H., und Salnikov, V. (2015) The LaVaCCA Project, Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth.
Bauer, C., Löw, F., und Conrad, C. (2015) Explaining and assessing the spatial and temporal patterns of low productivity arable land and land abandonment - using satellite observation and socioeconomic data of the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia, Stadt Land Schaf(f)t – Land Schaf(f)t Stadt, Berlin, Deutschland.
Bauer, C., Löw, F., und Conrad, C. (2015) Explaining and assessing spatial and temporal patterns of low productivity arable land and land abandonment - using satellite observation and socioeconomi cdata of the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia, AK Fernerkundung, Bonn, Deutschland.
Bauer, C., Löw, F., und Conrad, C. (2015) Explaining and assessing the spatial and temporal patterns of low productivity arable land and land abandonment - using satellite observation and socioeconomic data of the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia, Modern problems of hydrogeology, engineering geology, geoecology and ways of their solutions, Tashkent, Usbekistan.