Dipl.-Geogr. Marco Ottinger

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
01/2013 - 06/2018
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
- Ottinger, M., Clauss, K., and Künzer, C. (2017) Large-Scale Assessment of Coastal Aquaculture Ponds with Sentinel-1 Time Series Data, Remote Sensing, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 9, 1--23.
Clauss, K., Ottinger, M., and Künzer, C. (2017) Mapping rice areas with Sentinel-1 time series and superpixel segmentation, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor & Francis 39, 1399--1420.
Ottinger, M., Clauss, K., and Künzer, C. (2016) Aquaculture: Relevance, Distribution, Impacts and Spatial Assessments. A Review, Ocean & Coastal Management 119, 244-266.
Ottinger, M., Vo, Q. T., and Künzer, C. (2016) Aquakultur im Mekong-Delta: Segen oder Fluch?, Geographische Rundschau, Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg 2, 24-30.
Kuenzer, C., Ottinger, M., Liu, G., Baumhauer, R., and Dech, S. (2014) Earth observation-based coastal zone monitoring of the Yellow River Delta: Dynamics in China's second largest oil producing region over four decades, Applied Geography 55, 92-107.
Kuenzer, C., Ottinger, M., Wegmann, M., Guo, H., Wang, C., Zhang, J., Dech, S., and Wikelski, M. (2014) Earth observation satellite sensors for biodiversity monitoring: potentials and bottlenecks, International Journal of Remote Sensing 35, 6599-6647.
Ottinger, M., Kuenzer, C., Liu, G., Wang, S., and Dech, S. (2013) Monitoring land cover dynamics in the Yellow River Delta from 1995 to 2010 based on Landsat TM, Applied Geography 44, 53-68.
- Kuenzer, C., Guo, H., Ottinger, M., and Dech, S. (2013) Spaceborne Thermal Infrared Observation - An Overview of Most Frequently Used Sensors for Applied Research. In Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing – Sensors, Methods, Applications. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing Series (Kuenzer, C., and Dech, S., Eds.), pp 131-148, Springer, Berlin.
- Ottinger, M., Clauss, K., Quoc, T. V., and Künzer, C. (2016) Assessment of coastal aquaculture ponds in Asia with high resolution SAR data, 36th EARSeL Symposium.
Künzer, C., Leinenkugel, P., Huth, J., Ottinger, M., Renaud, F., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Khac, T. V., Thi, L. T., Dech, S., Koch, P., and Tissier, M. L. (2015) The Potential of Time Series Based Earth Observation for the Monitoring of Large River Deltas. In AGU Fall Meeting 2015.
Künzer, C., Leinenkugel, P., Frey, C., Huth, J., Ottinger, M., Gessner, U., and Dech, S. (2015) The Land-Use Dynamics and Water Nexus for the transboundary Mekong Basin: Potentials and Limitations of Earth Observation, Dresden Nexus Conference 2015, Dresden.
Ottinger, M., Liu, G., Taubenböck, H., and Kuenzer, C. (2013) Monitoring dynamischer Landschaftsveränderungen im Gelbflussdelta mit multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten, 4. Symposium Geoinformationen für die Küstenzone und 9. Workshop zur Nutzung der Fernerkundung, Sokrates & Freunde GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.
Ottinger, M., Liu, G., Huth, J., and Kuenzer, C. (2013) Remote sensing analyses on dynamics in the Yellow River Delta: Socio-economic transition in a coastal environment. In 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Beijing, China.
Kuenzer, C., Ottinger, M., Klein, I., and Dech, S. (2012) Dynamics of the Yellow River Delta, Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 25. Aug. - 01. Sep. 2012, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Kuenzer, C., Ottinger, M., and Dech, S. (2012) Coastal Zone Dynamics of the Yellow River Delta - Earth Observation Based Diagnosis. In Proceedings of the 32nd EARSeL Symposium and 36th General Assembly, Mykonos, Greece.
Künzer, C., Liu, G., Renaud, F., Ottinger, M., and Dech, S. (2011) Asian River Deltas experiencing slow-onset Hazards: Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation to Environmental Degradation and Climate Change. In International Risk and Disaster Reduction Conference, IRDR, 31.10.-02.11. Beijing, China.