Dipl.-Geogr. Yvonne Walz, M.Sc.

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
10/2010 - 07/2014
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
"Remote sensing for disease risk profiling: A spatial analysis of schistosomiasis in West Africa"
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
- Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S.; Vounatsou, P.; Poda, J. -N.; N'Goran, E. K.; Utzinger, J.; Raso, G. (2015): Modeling and Validation of Environmental Suitability for Schistosomiasis Transmission Using Remote SensingJustin V. Remais. In: PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 9 (11), e0004217.
Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B.; Dech, S.; Vounatsou, P.; N'Goran, E.; Raso, G.; Utzinger, J. (2015): Use of an ecologically relevant modelling approach to improve remote sensing-based schistosomiasis risk profiling. In: Geospatial Health, 10 (2)
Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S.; Raso, G.; Utzinger, J. (2015): Risk profiling of schistosomiasis using remote sensing: approaches, challenges and outlook. In: Parasites Vectors, 8 (1)
Walz, Y.; Maier, S. W.; Dech, S. W.; Conrad, C.; Colditz, R. R. (2007): Classification of burn severity using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): A case study in the jarrah-marri forest of southwest Western Australia. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 112 (G2)
- Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2012): Schistosomiasis risk assessment from space using high resolution Rapid Eye data. In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, 22-27 Jul 2012, 7224-7227.
Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2012): Transmission of Schistosomiasis in Africa and its vulnerability to climate change. In: 32. Internationaler Geographischer Kongress in Köln
Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. W. (2012): Beitrag von hochaufgelösten Rapid Eye Daten zur Räumlichen Risikoanalyse in der Gesundheitsforschung am Beispiel von Schistosomiasis. In: Proceedings 4. RESA Nutzerworkshop, DLR Rapid Eye Science Archive (RESA), DLR Neustrelitz, pp. 325-332
Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. W. (2011): Disease Risk Assessment from Space: Case Study of Human Schistosomiasis. In: Workshop "Biodiversität und Infektionskrankheiten" (DIVERSITAS Deutschland e.V.) vom 28.11.2011 - 29.11.2011 in Frankfurt, Poster
Walz, Y.; Maier, S.; Dech, S. (2005): Measuring Burn Severity in Forests of South-West Western Australia Using MODIS. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing and GIS on Forest Fire Management: Fire Effects Assessment, Zaragoza, Spain, 5 pp
Walz, Y. (2004): Measuring Burn Severity in Forests of South-West Western Australia Using MODIS
- Walz, Y. (2010): Challenges in using remotely sensed temperature for epidemiology - illustrated by a spatio-temporal analysis of dengue fever and MODIS land surface temperature in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
Herbst, S.; Kistemann, T.; Lajoie, L.; Walz, Y.; Wienand, I. (2007): Medical Geography 600 - Centre for International Health
Walz, Y.; Scholte, K.; Kemper, T.; RADESTOCK, C.; VOIGT, S. (2006): Health Mapping Service for Ivory Coast - RESPOND GMES Services Supporting Humanitarian Relief
Walz, Y. (2004): Measuring burn severity in forests of southwest Western Australia using MODIS