Dr. Anna Cord

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
10/2007 - 03/2012
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Dissertation zum Thema: "Auswertung multi-temporaler Fernerkundungsdaten (Terra - MODIS) als Eingangsparameter für die Modellierung von Artverbreitungsgebieten in Mexiko."
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
- Modelling the Species Distribution of Flat-Headed Cats (Prionailurus planiceps), an Endangered South-East Asian Small Felid. Wilting, A.; Cord, A.; Hearn, A.; Hesse, D.; Mohamed, A.; Traeholdt, C.; Cheyne, S. M.; Sunarto, S.; Jayasilan, M.-A.; Ross, J.; Shapiro, A. C.; Sebastian, A.; Dech, S.; Breitenmoser, C.; Sanderson, J.; Duckworth, J. W.; Hofer, H. in PLoS ONE (2010). 5(3) e9612.
- Standardized FAO-LCCS land cover mapping in heterogeneous tree savannas of West Africa. Cord, A.; Conrad, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. in Journal of Arid Environments (2010). 74 1083-1091.
- Analyzing Phenological Characteristics of Mexico with MODIS Time Series Products. Colditz, R. R.; Cord, A.; Conrad, C.; Mora, F.; Maeda, P.; Ressl, R. (2009).
- Inclusion of habitat availability in species distribution models through multi-temporal remote sensing data? Cord, A.; Rödder, D. in Ecological Applications (2011). (in press).
- Land cover analysis on sub-continental scale: FAO LCCS standard with well-defined 250 meter MODIS satellite observations in West Africa. Machwitz, M.; Landmann, T.; Cord, A.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2008).
- Potential and limitations of multi-temporal earth observation data to improve model results of tree species distribution in Mexico. Cord, A.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009).
- Potential of multi-temporal remote sensing data for modeling tree species distributions and richness in Mexico. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Cord, A. (2012).
- Species Distribution and Forest Type Mapping in Mexico. Cord, A.; Colditz, R. R.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009).
- Using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for interoperable determination of land cover and land cover change in Africa. Landmann, T.; Machwitz, M.; Cord, A.; Hüttich, C.; Dech, S. (2009).