Dr. Christian Hüttich

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
xx/xxxx - xx/xxxx
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
2012[ to top ]
MODIS-based change vector analysis for assessing wetland dynamics in Southern Africa. In: Remote Sensing Letters. (2012):
2011[ to top ]
Using the Landsat Archive for the Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Wetlands: Examples from the GlobWetland-II Project. In: Earthzine. (2011):
Assessing effects of temporal compositing and varying observation periods for large-area land-cover mapping in semi-arid ecosystems: Implications for global monitoring. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (10), 2445-59.. (2011):
2010[ to top ]
Integrating in-situ, Landsat, and MODIS data for mapping in Southern African savannas: experiences of LCCS-based land-cover mapping in the Kalahari in Namibia. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (2010):
2009[ to top ]
On the Suitability of MODIS Time Series Metrics to Map Vegetation Types in Dry Savanna Ecosystems: A Case Study in the Kalahari of NE Namibia. In: Remote Sensing, 1 (4), 620-43.. (2009):
2007[ to top ]
Indicators of Land Cover Change in Northern Eurasia from SPOT-VEGETATION Time Series Analysis 1998-2005. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (18), 4199-4206.. (2007):
2018[ to top ]
In situ Messungen f{ü}r ein fernerkundungsbasiertes landwirtschaftliches Monitoring: Status-Update f{ü}r die norddeutsche JECAM-Site DEMMIN. In: Symposium "Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung". (2018):
Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) - Test Site DEMMIN 2018. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018, the 38th annual symposium. (2018):
The German JECAM site DEMMIN: status and future perspectives. In: Annual JECAM Meeting. (2018):
2010[ to top ]
The Potential of MODIS Time Series Metrics for bottom-up Vegetation Mapping in a semi-arid Savanna Ecosystem in Namibia. In: Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium. (2010):
2009[ to top ]
Using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for interoperable determination of land cover and land cover change in Africa. In: 3rd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Use and Land Cover. (2009):
Ecosystem Assessment in Savanna Ecosystems based on multi-scale Earth Observation data. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. (2009):
2008[ to top ]
A Multi-Scale Approach for retrieving proportional Cover of Life Forms. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. (2008):
2007[ to top ]
Observing human activities in Northern Eurasia from DMSP nighttimes lights time series data. In: 58. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag - Freiberger Forschungsforum 2007. (2007):
Land Cover Change in Northern Eurasia: Synergy indications from various coarse resolution satellite observations. In: Dreiländertagung 2007 der SGPBF, DGPF und OVG. (2007):