Dr. Martin Bachmann

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
01/2003 - 03/2005
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Dissertation zum Themenbereich "Automated Generation of Data Products in Support of Land Degradation Mapping", Schwerpunkte: Ableitung von Vegetations- und Bodenparametern aus Hyperspektraldaten
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
MÜLLER, A., BACHMANN, M., DECH, S. (2004): New Hyperspectral Approaches for the Assessment of Dryland Degradation. In: Proceedings of 12th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, 18-22 October, Fremantle.
BACHMANN, M., MÜLLER, A., HABERMEYER, M., DECH, S. (2004): An Iterative Unmixing Approach in Support of Fractional Cover Estimation in Semi-Arid Environments. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing Europe, 13-16 September, Masplomas.
DECH, S., BACHMANN, M., MÜLLER, A. (2003): New Remote Sensing Approaches in Support of Sustainable Land Use Management in Semi-Arid Environments. In: Proceedings of 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10-14 November, Honululu.
BACHMANN, M., HABERMEYER, M. (2003): Evaluation of Image Fusion Techniques for Large-Scale Mapping of Non-Green Vegetation. In: Proceedings of 3rd EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, 13-16 May 2003, Herrsching