Dr. Sebastian Fritsch

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
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Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
- Conrad, C., Dech, S., Dubovyk, O., Fritsch, S., Klein, D., Löw, F., Schorcht, G., and Zeidler, J. (2014) Derivation of temporal windows for accurate crop discrimination in heterogeneous croplands of Uzbekistan using multitemporal RapidEye images, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 103, 63 - 74.
Fritsch, S., Machwitz, M., Ehammer, A., Conrad, C., and Dech, S. (2012) Validation of the collection 5 MODIS FPAR product in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape in arid Uzbekistan using multitemporal RapidEye imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing 33, 6818-6837.
Conrad, C., Fritsch, S., Zeidler, J., Rücker, G., and Dech, S. (2010) Per-Field Irrigated Crop Classification in Arid Central Asia Using SPOT and ASTER Data, Remote Sensing 2, 1035-1056.
- Einstufung der Spätfrostgefährdung von Weinbaulagen in Franken - Möglichkeiten geografischer Informationssysteme (GIS) und Fernerkundung. Maaß, U.; Schwab, A.; Fritsch, S. H. -R. Schultz, Stoll, M. (red.) (2012). (Vol. 64) 113-118.
Potenziale des Red Edge Kanals von RapidEye zur Unterscheidung und zum Monitoring landwirtschaftlicher Anbaufrüchte am Beispiel des usbekischen Bewässerungssystems Khorezm. Conrad, C.; Fritsch, S.; Lex, S.; Löw, F.; Rücker, G.; Schorcht, G.; Sultanov, M.; Lamers, J.P. (2012).
- A MODIS-based approach for crop yield prediction in irrigated areas of Central Asia using light-use efficiency modeling. Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S.W. (2010). 1-7.
Crop classification at subfield level using RapidEye time series and graph theory algorithms. Schorcht, G.; Löw, F.; Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C. (2012).
Estimating regional crop yield at field scale using multitemporal RapidEye data. Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Manschadi, A.; Machwitz, M.; Rücker, G.; Dech, S (2011).
Field based FAO-56 dual crop coefficient method for water demand estimations using remote sensing and geodata management approaches. Schorcht, G.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Lamers, J.; Rücker, G.; Fritsch, S. (2009).
Generation and evaluation of time series for the derivation of biophysical parameters as an input for a crop model Lex, Sylvia; Dahms, Thorsten; Zellner, Peter; Fritsch, Sebastian; Conrad, Christopher; Schmidt, Marco (2015).
Integration of remote sensing products in regional information systems to support decision making in land and water management in Central Asia. Ruecker, G.; Wehrmann, T.; Schettler, I.; Conrad, C.; Landmann, T.; Klein, D.; Fritsch, S.; Schorcht, G.; Mund, J.P.; Kuenzer, C.; Keil, M.; Mehl, H.; Dech, S. (2009).
Objektbasierte Klassifikation der agrarischen Landnutzung im Gebiet Khorezm (Usbekistan). Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Rücker, G.; Dech, S. (2008).
Potentials of RapidEye time series for improved classification of crop rotations in heterogeneous agricultural landscapes: Experiences from irrigation systems in Central Asia. Conrad, C.; Machwitz, M.; Schorcht, G.; Löw, F.; Fritsch, S.; Dech, S. (2011).
Relationships between high resolution RapidEye based fPAR and MODIS vegetation indices in a heterogeneous agricultural region. Fritsch, S.; Machwitz, M.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011).
Statistical derivation of fPAR and LAI for irrigated cotton and rice in arid Uzbekistan by combining multi-temporal RapidEye data and ground measurements. Ehammer, A.; Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S.W. (2010). (Vol. 7824) 1-10.
Validation of the collection 5 MODIS FPAR product in a heterogeneous agricultural region. Fritsch, S.; Machwitz, M.; Ehammer, A.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S (2011).
- Fritsch, S., Conrad, C., Manschadi, A., Machwitz, M., Rücker, G., and Dech, S. (2011) Estimating regional crop yield at field scale using multitemporal RapidEye data, 3rd Remote Sensing Symposium (3rd RSS), September 8, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Fritsch, S., Machwitz, M., Ehammer, A., Conrad, C., and Dech, S. (2011) Validation of the collection 5 MODIS FPAR product in a heterogeneous agricultural region, AK Fernerkundung, 29-30 September, Würzburg, Germany.