Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job

Geography and Regional Science
Phone: +49 931 31-85552
Mail: hubert.job@uni-wuerzburg.de
Institute of Geography and Geology
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Campus Southern Hubland
Geography building
Room 319
- Protected area management
- Regional planning
- Regional development
- Environment perception
- Regional focus: Central Europe, Alps, Africa
PlanToConnect – Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in spatial planning systems of the Alpine Space
- Funding body: Interreg Alpine Space Programm (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung)
- Duration: 11/2022 – 10/2025
- Subbudget JMU: 301.000 EUR
- Co-financing of the European Union: 226.000 EUR
- Project website: https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/plantoconnect
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.
AlpPlan is a European Working Group (EWG) in the Alpine region, resulting from a cooperation of the Interreg Alpine Space project OpenSpaceAlps and the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). The realisation of the objectives set by the Alpine Convention and their coordination by means of spatial planning form an important framework for the activities of the network. The overall objective of AlpPlan is to promote cooperation and coordination in the field of spatial planning in the Alpine region, especially from a cross-border perspective. Through mutual exchange and cooperation, the network is committed to contributing to sustainable territorial development from an ecological, economic and social perspective. The benefit of the network is seen particularly in the fact that AlpPlan brings together both scientific expertise and practice-oriented application perspectives.
Methodical advancement of regional economic impact analyses of nature tourism in the National Natural Landscapes of Germany: Application of the multi-regional input-output analysis
- Funding body: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
- Duration: 04/2022 – 09/2023
- Budget: 125.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Dr. Lisa Majewski
Protected areas not only protect valuable natural and cultural landscapes but are significant economic drivers for regional and national economies. Nature tourism secures income and employment for the local population and strengthens local nature conservation. To understand the economic effects of nature tourism, numerous methods have been developed over time. In Germany, value added analysis has been used as standard in all studies so far. International research, on the other hand, uses the more detailed and thus more reliable input-output method to measure nature tourism multiplier effects. In this project, the methodology of regional economic impact analyses in Germany’s protected areas will be developed by conducting a multi-regional input-output analysis for Lower Saxony, Hamburg, and Schleswig-Holstein National Parks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The multi-regional input-output model allows a mapping of national input and consumption effects resulting from nature tourism spending in the study region. The findings are compared with simultaneously available results of value added analyses in the three protected area regions to derive methodological implications for the regional economic monitoring of protected areas.
Analysis of the regional economic effects of nature tourism in the nature park Lüneburger Heide
- Funding body: Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz, Schneverdingen/Verein Naturparkregion Lüneburger Heide e.V., Amelinghausen
- Duration: 03/2022 – 09/2024
- Budget: 46.900 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Anna Frieser M.Sc., Dr. Manuel Woltering
The nature park Lüneburger Heide as the first nature park in Germany is particularly characterized by the interaction of natural and human influences. Formed by glacial processes and the agricultural use of the people, the characteristic heath landscape has developed there, which has had a special importance for the population in local recreation for a long time. So that the cultural landscape of the Lüneburg Heath can still be experienced today and can function as a habitat for many rare plant and animal species, efforts were already made at the beginning of the 20th century to protect it. The aim of the research is to quantify the economic significance of nature tourism in the nature park Lüneburger Heide.
ARL European Working Group "AlpPlan - alpine spatial planning network"
- Partner institution: Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL)
- Duration: Ongoing, since 10/2020
- Budget: Ongoing from budget for research and teaching
- Project website:: https://www.arl-international.com/activities/alpplan-network
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.
AlpPlan is a European Working Group (EWG) in the Alpine region, resulting from a cooperation of the Interreg Alpine Space project OpenSpaceAlps and the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). The realisation of the objectives set by the Alpine Convention and their coordination by means of spatial planning form an important framework for the activities of the network. The overall objective of AlpPlan is to promote cooperation and coordination in the field of spatial planning in the Alpine region, especially from a cross-border perspective. Through mutual exchange and cooperation, the network is committed to contributing to sustainable territorial development from an ecological, economic and social perspective. The benefit of the network is seen particularly in the fact that AlpPlan brings together both scientific expertise and practice-oriented application perspectives.
Regional economic effects of sustainable tourism in nature parks and 'total economic valuation' of the National Natural Landscapes
- Funding body: UFOPLAN – BMU/Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn
- Duration: 07/2020 – 12/2024
- Budget: 508.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Sarah Bittlingmaier, M.Sc., Anna Frieser, M.Sc., Dr. Lisa Majewski, Dr. Manuel Woltering
In recent years, almost all German national parks and biosphere reserves have now been analyzed with regard to their regional economic effects on the surrounding regions. The resulting data, such as the number of visitors per year or the proportion of guests coming because of the status as a protected area, are part of the Integrative Monitoring Program of the Federal Government and the Federal/State Working Group on Nature Conservation, Landscape Management and Recreation (LANA). For the category of nature parks, such an assessment of their importance for the tourism economy in Germany is still pending. Due to the large number of nature parks with more than 100 representatives, however, it is not possible to carry out a comprehensive case-by-case analysis. Instead, a nationwide statement is made on the basis of detailed knowledge of selected case studies by means of extrapolation. Furthermore, it is the aim of the project to carry out a 'total economic valuation' for the first time on the basis of the results on the economic importance of tourism as well as further analyses for all three categories of National Natural Landscapes.
Regional economic effects of tourism in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park as a contribution to improved communication of natural values
- Funding body: Nationalparkstiftung Schleswig-Holstein
- Duration: 03/2021 - 03/2023
- Budget: 105.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Context persons: Sarah Bittlingmaier, M.Sc., Dr. Manuel Woltering
The Wadden Sea as a unique natural area with global significance for bird migration is a landscape worthy of protection. The designation as a national park aims to ensure an undisturbed operation of natural processes in their natural dynamics. In addition, it is intended to serve the scientific observation of the environment, natural history education and the experience of nature for the population. The North Frisian mainland, the islands and Halligen have always been a tourist highlight and highly frequented. In addition to the role of the national park as a travel motive, the study also aims to consider the growing role of the UNESCO biosphere reserve and the UNESCO World Natural Heritage designation in the analysis. The interest lies on the travel decisions of the visitors and their tourist expenditures in order to investigate the economic importance of tourism for the region. The first and so far only survey for the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea took place in 2012 and now receives an update on new results on tourism development through a methodologically comparable study.
Regional economic effects of tourism in the Berchtesgadener Land Biosphere Reserve
- Funding body: Regierung von Oberbayern
- Duration: 01/2021 – 10/2022
- Budget: 65.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Sarah Bittlingmaier, M.Sc., Dr. Manuel Woltering
Regional economic effects of tourism in the Hamburg and Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Parks
- Funding body: Nationalparkverwaltungen Hamburgisches und Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer
- Duration: 12/2018 – 09/2022
- Budget: 135.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Sarah Bittlingmaier, M.Sc., Dr. Manuel Woltering
OpenSpaceAlps – Sustainable development of alpine open spaces by enhancing spatial planning governance
- Funding body: Interreg Alpine Space Programm (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung)
- Duration: 10/2019 – 06/2022
- Budget: 128.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.
Determining the socio-economic effects of tourism in German UNESCO biosphere reserves
- Funding body: UFOPLAN – BMUB/Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn
- Duration: 04/2016 – 05/2022
- Budget: 545.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Dr. Manuel Engelbauer, Dr. Lisa Majewski, Dr. Manuel Woltering
Biodiversity and ecosystem services of forests with a focus on wood: new ways of sustainable use in the context of ecology, economy and climate change (BioHolz)
- Funding body: BMUB/BMBF, Berlin
- Duration: 07/2015 – 06/2021
- Budget: 438.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: PD Dr. Joachim Rathmann
Potential analysis of nature tourism in the Black Forest Biosphere Region
- Funding body: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU); Osnabrück
- Duration: 07/2015 – 06/2021
- Budget: 125.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Dr. Lisa Majewski
Park-people relationships of the Berchtesgaden National Park
- Funding body: Nationalparkverwaltung Berchtesgaden
- Duration: 01/2018 – 12/2018
- Budget: 48.500 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Sarah Bittlingmaier, M.Sc., Dr. Manuel Woltering
Park-people relationships of the Bavarian Forest National Park
- Funding body: Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald
- Duration: 06/2017 – 09/2018
- Budget: 48.500 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Sarah Bittlingmaier, M.Sc., Dr. Manuel Woltering
Current and potential regional economic effects of nature tourism in the nature parks Kyffhäuser and Südharz
- Funding body: Thüringer Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Naturschutz
- Duration: 10/2016 – 03/2018
- Budget: 116.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Dr. Manuel Engelbauer, Dr. Manuel Woltering
Socio-economic evaluation of possible national park regions
- Funding body: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
- Duration: 04/2017 – 07/2017
- Budget: 40.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact persons: Dr. Manuel Engelbauer, Dr. Manuel Woltering
National parks, nature tourism and demographic change in Germany: Potential effects on visitor frequency, structures and spatiotemporal movement patterns
- Funding body: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn
- Duration: 07/2014 – 06/2016
- Budget: 147.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Dr. Johannes Schamel
Head of the ARL European Working Group "AlpPlan – alpine spatial planning network"
2018 – 2020
Head of the Bavarian Working Group of the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (previously in the same position between 2008 and 2011)
Member of the Planning Advisory Board of the Bavarian State Government
Member of the UNESCO MAB National Committee of the Federal Republic of Germany
1st Chairman of the Geographical Society Würzburg
o. University Professor at the Chair of Geography and Regional Science at the Institute of Geography and Geology of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Full member of the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association
2000 – 2008
eo. University Professor for Economic Geography at the Institute for Economic Geography of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Hans Bobek-Preis of the Austrian Geographical Society, Vienna
Habilitation at the Department of Geography/Geosciences at the University of Trier; habilitation: „Der Wandel historischer Kulturlandschaften und sein Stellenwert in der Raumordnung“
Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Department of Geography/Geosciences of the University of Trier; dissertation: „Freizeit und Erholung mit oder ohne Naturschutz?“
1979 – 1986
Studies of spatial and environmental planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and geography with the subsidiary subjects economcis and cartography at the University of Trier; diploma thesis: "Der Einfluss des Brachlandes auf die Erholungslandschaft Naturpark Pfälzerwald"
Articles in ISI index listed journals:
Meyer, C.; Job, H. (2024): Developing a data-driven approach to climate-proof a regional spatial planning instrument: the Bavarian Alpenplan. In: eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 16(2): 16-29. https://doi.org/10.1553/eco.mont-16-2s16.
Meyer, C./Job, H./Knoll, L. (2022): Längsschnittanalyse alpiner Siedlungsgeographie: Das Tegernseer Tal, Bayern. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 164, 283-309.
Rentsch, D./Schenk, C./Kimario, F./Job, H. (2023): Das größte Naturschauspiel: die Serengeti-Migration. Geographische Rundschau 75 (4), 42-47.
Majewski, L./Job, H./Losang, E. (2022): 150 Jahre Yellowstone-Nationalpark. Kartographische Nachrichten 72 (4), A-11-A14.
Job, H. (2022): Eine Idee erobert die Welt: 150 Jahre Nationalparks. Geographische Rundschau 74 (3), 4-9.
Thiel, M./Botha, N./Abu I.-O./Job, H. (2022): Afrikanische Schutzgebiete – Nutzungskonflikte und Gefährdungen. Geographische Rundschau 74 (3), 16-20.
Job, H./Meyer, C./Coronado, O./Koblar, S./Laner, P./Omizzolo, A./Plassmann, G./Riedler, W./Vessely, P./Schindelegger, A. (2022): Open Spaces in the European Alps – GIS based analysis and implications for spatial planning from a transnational perspective. Land 11 (1605), 1-21.
Brenner, L./Job, H. (2022): Reviewing the participatory management process of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: What do we miss by ignoring local academic knowledge in Mexico. Ambio 51, 1726-1738.
Meyer, C.; Peters, J. C.; Thiel, M.; Rathmann, J.; Job, H. (2021): Monitoring von Freiflächeninanspruchnahme und -versiegelung für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung in Bayern. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 79 (2), 172-189.
Botha, N./Job, H./Kimario, F. (2021): Potential and Challenges of the Serengeti-Ngorongoro Biosphere Reserve, Tanzania. Eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 13 (SI), 26-36.
Job, H./Majewski, L./Engelbauer, M./Bittlingmaier, S./Woltering, M. (2021): Establishing a standard for park visitation analyses: Insights from Germany. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35 (100405), 1-19.
Job, H./Bittlingmaier, S./Mayer, M./von Ruschkowski, E./Woltering, M. (2021): Park–People Relationships: The Socioeconomic Monitoring of National Parks in Bavaria, Germany. Sustainability 13 (8984), 1-27.
Staab, J./Udas, E./Mayer, M./Taubenböck, H./Job, H. (2021): Comparing established visitor monitoring approaches with triggered trail camera images and machine learning based computer vision. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35 (100387), 1-15.
Job, H. (2020): Die „bayerische Serengeti“. Geographische Rundschau 72 (9), 44-49.
Kimario, F.F./Botha, N./Kisingo, A./Job, H. (2020): Theory and Practice of Conservancies: Evidence from Wildlife Management Areas in Tanzania. Erdkunde 74 (2): 117-141.
Job, H./Willi, G./Mayer, M./Pütz, M. (2020): Open Spaces in Alpine Countries: Analytical Concepts and Preservation Strategies in Spatial Planning. Mountain Research and Development 40(3), D1-11.
Job, H., Engelbauer, M., Engels, B. (2019): Das Portfolio deutscher Biosphärenreservate im Lichte der Sustainable Development Goals. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 77 (1), S. 57-59, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/rara-2019-0005
Carius, F./Job, H. (2019): Community involvement and tourism revenue sharing as contributing factors to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Jozani–Chwaka Bay National Park and Biosphere Reserve, Zanzibar. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 27 (6), 826-846.
Brenner, L./Engelbauer, M./Job, H. (2018): Mitigating tourism-driven impacts on mangroves in Cancún and the Riviera Maya, Mexico: an evaluation of conservation policy strategies and environmental planning instruments. Journal of Coastal Conservation 22 (4), 755-767.
Mayer, M./Brenner, L./Schauss, B./Stadler, C./Arnegger, J./Job, H. (2018): The nexus between governance and the economic impact of whale-watching. The case of coastal lagoons in the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, Baja California, Mexico. Ocean and Coastal Management 162, 46-59.
Albert, C./Schröter-Schlaack, C./Hansjürgens, B./Dehnhardt, A./Döring, R./Job, H./ Köppel, J./Krätzig, S./Matzdorf, B./Reutter, M./Schaltegger, S./Scholz, M./ Siegmund-Schultze, M./Wiggering, H./Woltering, M./von Haaren, C. (2017): An economic perspective on land use decisions in agricultural landscapes: Insights from the TEEB Germany Study. Ecosystem Services 25, 69–78.
Job, H./Becken, S./Lane, B. (2017): Protected Areas in a neoliberal world and the role of tourism in supporting conservation and sustainable development: an assessment of strategic planning, zoning, impact monitoring, and tourism management at natural World Heritage Sites. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (12), 1697-1718.
Bender, O./Roth, C./Job, H. (2017): Protected areas and population development in the Alps. Eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 9 (SI), 5-16.
Butzmann, E./Job, H. (2017): Developing a typology of sustainable protected areas tourism products. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (12), 1736-1755. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1206110
Schamel, J./Job, H. (2017): National Parks and demographic change – modeling the effects of ageing hikers on mountain landscape intra-area accessibility. Landscape and Urban Planning 163, 32-43.
Other scientific contributions:
Job, H./Meyer, C. (2022): 50 Jahre Bayerischer Alpenplan – Würdigung und Plädoyer für eine Weiterentwicklung. In: Natur und Landschaft 97 (3): 117-123.
Job, H./Meyer, C. (2022): 50 Jahre Bayerischer Alpenplan – Startpunkt für eine zeitgemäße Weiterentwicklung. Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt 87, 81-134. München.
Job, H. (2022): Das stärkste Stück Bayern. DAV-Panorama 02, 90-91.
Meyer, C./Job, H. (2022): Rahmenbedingungen und Herausforderungen des Alpenraumes. In: Handbuch Alpine Raumordnung. CIPRA Österreich (Hrsg.). 16-22. Wien.
Spenceley, A./Schägner, J. P./Engels, B./Cullinane Thomas, C./Engelbauer, M./Erkkonen, J./Job, H./Kajala, L./Majewski, L./Mayer, M./Metzler, D./Rylance, A./Scheder, N./Smith-Christensen, C./Souza, T. B./Woltering, M. (2021): Visitors count! Guidance for protected areas on the economic analysis of visitation. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Paris/Bonn.
Braun, V./Humer-Gruber, A./Heinrich, K./Job, H. (2020): Synopsis – der Biosphere Reserves in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In: Biosphäre 4.0. Borsforf, A./Jungmeier, M./Braun, V./Heinrich, K. (Hrsg.). 33-60. Berlin.
Mayer, M./Woltering, M./Job, H. (2020): Tourismus in ländlichen Räumen. In: Land in Sicht. Krajewski, C./Wiegandt, ‚C.-C. (Hrsg.). 200-213. Bonn.
Job, H. (2020): Attraktivität und Akzeptanz des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald. In: Urwald der Bayern. Heurich, M./Mauch, G. (Hrsg.). 136-149. Göttingen.
Job, H./Fließbach-Schendzielorz, M./Bittlingmaier, S./Herling, A./Woltering, M. (2019): Akzeptanz der bayerischen Nationalparks: Ein Beitrag zum sozioökonomischen Monitoring in den Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald und Berchtesgaden (= Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten 122). Würzburg.
Majewski, L./Engelbauer, M./Job, H. (2019): Tourismus und nachhaltige Entwicklung in deutschen Naturparken. Natur und Landschaft 94 (9-10), 422-426.
Majewski, L./Job, H. (2019): Tourismusfinanzierte Regionalentwicklung in deutschen Biosphärenreservaten: das Beispiel Rhön. Natur und Landschaft 94 (5), 196-201.
Nischik, G./Mayer, M./Job, H. (2019): Winter sport destinations, spatial planning and protected areas. In: Pröbstl-Haider, U. / Richins, H. / Türk, S. (Ed.): Winter tourism. Trends and challenges, 24-34. Wallingford, UK / Boston, US.
Job, H./Weidlich, O./Meyer, C. (2019): Erfahrungen zum Flächensparen aus Österreich und der Schweiz sowie Schlussfolgerungen für Bayern. In: Bayerische Akademie Ländlicher Raum (Hrsg.): Flächenverbrauch wirksam begrenzen (=Dokumentation H. 56). München
Haßlacher, P./Pütz, M./Nischik, G./Knauf, C./Mayer, M./Job, H. (2018): Alpine Freiräume in der räumlichen Planung – Ein Plädoyer für mehr grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit. In: Chilla, T./Sielker, F. (Hrsg.): Grenzüberschreitende Raumentwicklung Bayerns (=Arbeitsberichte der ARL 23), 23-44. Hannover.
Job, H. (2018): Großschutzgebiete. In: Handwörterbuch der Stadt- und Raumentwicklung, Bd. 2. Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (Hrsg.), 867-874. Hannover.
Job, H./Mayer, M./Haßlacher, P./Nischik, G./Knauf, C./Pütz, M./Essl, J./Marlin, A./Kopf, M./Obkircher, S. (2017): Analyse, Bewertung und Sicherung alpiner Freiräume durch Raumordnung und räumliche Planung. Forschungsberichte der Akademie für Raumordnung und Landesplanung 7, Hannover.
Job, H. (2017): Ostafrika als touristische Destination. In: Eberth, A./Kaiser, A. (Hrsg.): Ostafrika. (=WBG-Länderkunden), 126-142. Darmstadt.
- Umeå University, Geography and Economic History, Umeå/Schweden (Prof. Dr. D. Müller)
- Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), Hanover (Prof. Dr. A. Klee)
- División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México D.F./México (Prof. Dr. L. Brenner)
- Research Group Regional Economics and Development at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf/Schweiz (PD Dr. M. Pütz)
- Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Queensland/Australien (Prof. Dr. S. Becken)
- National Park Service (NPS), Washington D.C./USA (Lynne Koontz)
- Institute for Regional Development, Eurac Research, Bozen/Italien (PD Dr. Thomas Streifeneder)