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  • [Translate to Englisch:] Studium
Institute of Geography and Geology

Master "Applied Physical Geography 120 ECTS"

After the successful completion of the study programme Angewandte Physische Geographie with the degree Master of Science, the students possess the following competencies:

  • Deepened knowledge about connections within the discipline and with related disciplines

  • Ability to recognise, analyse, and formulate complex, especially interdisciplinary problems and tasks in the field of environment, and - with the help of self-researched specialist literature - to solve them. Challenging problems and tasks are characterised as follows:
    • A foundations-based analytical approach is necessary for their solution
    • Their solution cannot be deduced by schematic application of pre-formulated patterns, moreover, various approaches have to be weighed
    • They affect a wide range of occasionally controversial factors and involve different groups of concerned and interested parties
    • They are not commonplace in the respective scientific environment and are out of range of predefined standards and solution patterns

  • Improved and enhanced ability to communicate about geographical, geo- and spatial-scientific contents and problems with expert colleagues as well as with the broader public

  • Improved and enhanced ability to work both individually and as a member of international groups and to effectively organise and carry out projects as well as grow into an appropriate management responsibility

  • Ability to recognise future problems, technologies, and scientific developments in geosciences and spatial sciences as well as appropriately integrate them in the work
  • Due to advanced scientific, technical, and social knowledge (inter alia, abstraction capability, capacity for teamwork and communication skills) to be prepared for taking management responsibility
Various trees in front of a mountain.

Degree programme

Master of Science (M.Sc.), 4 semesters

Winter semester or summer semester

Possible versions/combinability:
120 ECTS single-subject degree programme, not to be combined with other subjects

Two Scheibler apparatuses in the laboratory.

Set of Rules: Examination Regulations (PO) 2016

(Beginning of the study programme in the winter semester 2016/17 as the first semester of study)

Shallow seashore with clouds in the sky.

Set of Rules: Examination Regulations (PO) 2015

(Beginning of the study programme in the winter semester 2015/16 as the first semester of study)

Thawing ice on a shore.

Set of Rules: Examination Regulations (PO) 2013

(Beginning of the study programme before the winter semester 2015/16 as the first semester of study)

Boulders on a dry, yellow meadow.


Subject-specific provisions, module catalogues, list of modules and study plans

The subject-specific provisions (FSB) specify the general academic and examination regulations (ASPO) regarding this degree programme and inform about its aims, skills and learning achievements, beginning and structure of the study programme, standard length, application and admission to the programme, and calculation of both the degree subject grade and the overall grade.

The list of modules is the most important and central document for students and prospective students. It provides information about the individual units and subsections, their ECTS credits, associated modules and module components as well as their assessments. The list of modules can be found in the annex to the subject-specific provisions at the end of the paragraphs.

Study plans are exemplary recommendations for the concrete course of study. They are created based on the list of modules!